Greg Murray

Greg was certified to dive in 2006 through NAUI at Waterfront Diving and became a PADI Divemaster in 2017. Greg got his first SCUBA experience in the turquoise waters of St. John, USVI. As soon as he returned from his trip to the Caribbean, he went straight to Waterfront Diving and signed up for the Open Water SCUBA Course. Once he had the first "C" card it just took off for him. He has taken most of the courses that are offered at Waterfront in an effort to become a better diver. The desire to dive has taken Greg all over North America diving, from the cold North Atlantic off the Maine Coast to the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico to the Northwest Puget Sound, the St. Lawrence River, and many, many dives in Lake Champlain. He has also traveled overseas to the Mediterranean and numerous trips to the British Virgin Islands and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Greg has assisted with many classes at Waterfront Diving over the years before finally taking the steps to become a Divemaster. Greg is happiest when he is diving on the many wrecks in Lake Champlain, the wrecks of the St. Lawrence River or his favorite, the "Wreck of the Rhone", int he British Virgin Islands. Greg was a history major in college, so the stories told by each wreck fascinate and stimulate his interest in diving.